400.000 Habitages | Dwellings
Sagrera Link

Barcelona. Spain
Area: 182.000 m2
Organizer: Col.legi d’Arquitectes a Catalonia

park and housing – sketch

How can the problem of increase in demand of dwellings in the railway axis Sagrera-Sant Andreu be solved, considering at the same time the growth, density and sustainability variables?

Sagrera-Sant Andreu is a border between two big urban areas of the industrial Barcelona of the 20th century: Sant Andreu and San Martí. The General Metropolitan Plan proposes to get a system of green areas, a railway and a public transport station, and the construction of a new residential area.

Keeping in mind the reading of the territory and the needs presented in the General Metropolitan Plan, we chose a proposal of great formal intensity that solves the problem with three elements:

  • A central park, with a public transport hub, which absorbs the border between Sagrera and Sant Andreu. This park is located in the middle of two parallel streets with opposite directions connecting Trinitat and Glóries.
  • Two areas of high density urban buildings which embrace the park’s extremes and articulate its existing environment.


Publication: Quaderns d’arquitectura i urbanisme. 400.000 Habitages Dwellings. Col.legi D’Arquitectes a Catalonia


aerial view – model
general plan
housing area – model
park and housing – 3D model
prefabricated housing system – 3D model
housing streets – 3D model